Email Marketing Basics Part#2: The Rise of Email as a Marketing Tool


I originally wrote this 3-part series on email marketing back in 2001 and it was second avowed by the American Marketing Association. Even though several years posses recent these fundamental principals quiescent round true

Email Marketing Basics Part#2: The Rise of Email as a Marketing Tool

Email Marketing Basics Part#2: The Rise of Email as a Marketing Tool

Email is proving itself to be one of further cost-effective marketing utensils available which is why some 68 percent of medium- to large-sized US. firms incorporated email into their marketing strategies in 2000

Several attributes report for the gradient of email as a marketing tool:

Faster Prep Time

Depending on the campaign macrocosm instruments that you use, email marketing programs can be speedy to cause and may arrive in the customers inbox immediately

More Flexibility

It is much easier and less expensive to cause multiple offers and inspection various creative and copy intrigues in email than in traditional idler mail”

Reduced CPM

Email messages remuneration only a few cents per recipient compared to traditional unconditional mail costs because email campaigns dont incur printing or postage costs Email costs scale from $01 to $0.25 for per message, compared about $1.70 to $2.00 for each body mailed in traditional explicit dawdler mail

Greater Acceptance

Some 73 percent of US. consumers chatter they hoist email as their way of results with online merchants (Virtually the duplicate scale also gossip they promote rich-content media email with graphics and typography versus plain-text email

Quick Response

Responses from recipients usually arrive within 48 hours somewhat than recipience days or weeks via printed and posted mail.

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Higher Response Rates

It is easier and fresh inviting for someone to respond to an email message than to pick up the phone or mail a sensation card. And email has a much higher normal click-through rates (between 5-15%) than online flag ads

Accurate Reporting

Electronic forms of elocution and warmth make tracking and reporting express and practicable It is much easier than waiting weeks for responses and returns

Email marketing can use a variety of tactics including offers, coupons, contests, newsletters and more value-added links and information

Those tactics can basically be divided into two types permission-based marketing and spam.

Spam is the electronic match of rubbish mail or that vexing telemarketing label during dinner It is unsolicited and unwanted Unfortunately for consumers, today spam represents 10% of all email.

In passion to this invasion, email users keep created inbox filters and dummy email addresses

Permission emails are those messages that users keep requested This can bring the lair of newsletters, or a checkbox in the registration process on mixed Web sites giving the marketer permission to deliver product updates or other marketing information

Forrester Research predicts that the amount of solicited emails entrust flourish to 250 billion in 2002. Permission emails posses higher success rates than spam both in terms of ROI and in preserving a companys reputation

Permission email can manage the haunt of acquisition or retention email that is, mailings whose primary seeking is to view for customers or whose search is to forge a relationship with an current customer base In 2000, some 57 percent of permission email dollars were spent on retention and 43 percent on customer acquisition.

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